
The Star Formation of a Giant H II Region in M 101

García-Benito, R.; Pérez, E.; Díaz, Á. I.; Maíz-Apellániz, J.; Cerviño, M.
Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks ASP Conference Series, Vol. 396, Proceedings of the conference held 1-5 October, 2007 at the Centro Convegni Matteo Ricci, Rome, Italy. Edited by José G. Funes, S.J., and Enrico Maria Corsini. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008., p.141


We present a study of the star formation process in the giant H II region NGC 5471 in the outskirts of M 101 from both integrated and resolved photometry. Stellar population analysis with the code CHORIZOS is compatible with the hypothesis that this regions has, at least, two different populations. The color-magnitude diagram of the region as derived from HST/WPFC2 photometry shows that star formation has been going on for the last 70 Myr.