Buchholz, R. M.; Witzel, G.; Schoedel, R.; Eckart, A.; Bremer, M.; Muzic, K.
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/534/A117. Originally published in: 2011A&A...534A.117B
This table contains the H- and Ks-band polarization of sources in the Galactic Center. For each source, the offset in Right Ascension and Declination as well as the projected distance from Sgr A* are given (in arcsec). The table also lists the source brightness in magnitudes in the H- and Ks-band for orientation. Not every source is contained in all three data-sets (one H-band, two Ks-band with different field-of-view). Entries with the value " - " indicate that the source is not contained in the respective data-set. Polarization degrees are given in percent, polarization angles in degrees. The data is combined from different epochs, so a small number of very fast moving sources may be listed separately for each data-set.
(1 data file).